What Chiropractic techniques are used at High Performance Chiropractic?
There are various chiropractic techniques. This treatment usually involves hands-on manipulation techniques, focusing on the musculoskeletal system. The techniques that the chiropractors at High Performance Chiropractic Centre use include:
- Diversified
- Thompson technique (drop table)
- Cranials
- Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
- Post Isometric Relaxation
- Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)
- Lymphatic drainage
- Nerve flossing

Hand-held instruments:
- Atlas orthogonal
- Activator
- Rock Blades
- Rock Floss
- Cupping
Gentle technique
- Activator
- Atlas orthogonal
- Cranials
- Mobilisation
- Lymphatic drainage
- Thompson technique (drop table)

The choice of technique depends on factors such as the patient’s condition and preferences.
In addition, chiropractors will provide advice on exercise, nutrition, ergonomics, and lifestyle modifications to support your recovery and maintain optimal health.