Do I need a Medicare referral to see a chiropractor?
Chiropractors are primary healthcare practitioners, so a Medicare referral isn’t necessary in order to visit a chiropractor.
Can I use a Medicare referral for chiropractic services?
Yes. GPs can refer patients for chiropractic treatment under the Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) program or Team Care Arrangement (TCA). The chiropractic treatments are limited to 5 chiropractic consultations per client per calendar year.

Who’s eligible for Medicare-funded chiropractic care?
You are eligible if you have:
- A Medicare card
- Not used their chiropractic benefits elsewhere
- Currently suffering from a chronic musculoskeletal condition (longer than 6 months).

What will happen?
During your initial chiropractic session, a chiropractor will assess your condition through a comprehensive general health assessment, medical history, and physical examination. X-rays may be taken.
Once the initial assessment is conducted, the findings are explained to the patient, as well as a biomechanical score. From there, a plan of chiropractic treatment may be recommended.